Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bond of Sisters 2

My older child has a penchant for eating and she's a fast eater too. After she is done eating her food, she usually stations herself beside her younger sister. Why? So that she can eat my toddler's leftovers. When my 2 year old is already full, she enjoys giving her food to her older sister. She carefully spoons out whatever food is left and lovingly feeds it to my 6 year old who gleefully opens up her mouth.

It's somewhat hilarious and at the same time heartwarming watching them together. God bless my children!


Martin said...

I've read through all of your blog today and its been really interesting. Nice to see siblings at that age being so close. How was the older child when the younger was born ?

eagerblogger said...

Oh, my first child was so excited when her younger sister was born. I think she got to hold the baby more than her daddy during the first day. She was always ready to provide me with the nappy. :)

Anonymous said...

Mommy,you are indeed lucky to have such adorable kids. Bless you :)