Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I am a mom

Wow! It's been more than 8 months since my last post. When I started this blog, I was hoping to make updates at least every week and obviously I failed. But then, this blog is not supposed to be something that I have to do but it is something that I like to do whenever I want to. I am the boss! LOL.

Being a full-time mom is a time-consuming job. Everything you do is a labor of love. There are lots of frustrations, sometimes you worry too much and oftentimes you get stressed out over little things. Many times I look at my kids while they are sleeping and utter a prayer for them. I don't know what the future holds for them. I only know that God has the best plan for them and that He is in control.

Last night, while we were out, my younger daughter said, "After eating my dessert we will go to our comfortable and lovely home." Ahhh, it is music to my ears. Our home is a haven, a refuge, a wonderful place to live in. Our family is full of love and joy. I am content. I am a mom.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Models and Make-up

"Mommy, why don't you put on make-up?" asked my little girl.

I don't wear make-up. I only put on some during special occasions like weddings and weddings and weddings (Hmm... the last wedding I attended was more than a year ago). Sometimes I put on a light lip stick or lip gloss when I go to church. Most of the time my face is free of cosmetics. My daughter's question really disturbed me. Do I look horrible now that I'm nearly 40?

"Why? Don't I look pretty without make-up?" I asked her.

"You're pretty but you need make-up to be prettier. When I'm big I want to put make-up too." 

I felt that in her own way my daughter is asking for my assurance that it is okay to put on make-up. If I am doing it then she can do the same. It made me realize how important it is to be a good role model for my children. They believe that everything they see me do is worth emulating. I should be very careful in what I do and say and not let Barbie teach my kids how they should act and live their lives.

(Don't grow up too fast my dears. Enjoy your childhood years. Once they are gone you can never have them back.) 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Girl No More

Menarche... the first occurrence of menstruation in a female. I was in high school when I had my menarche. I was 14 years old. Most of my friends had their monthly periods already by then and so I expected it to happen to me at any time. I knew what it was all about and although it still came as a surprise it was not scary at all.

At 10 and a half years old my daughter had her menarche. I saw the changes in her body and was expecting it but at the same time I was hoping for it not to happen this year. It did happen and psychologically, my daughter is not yet ready. She is still very much a kid. She got scared when she saw the blood the first time but everything went well during the first month. On the second month she cried. She thought there was something wrong with her. I had to explain to her once again that it is something that happens every month.

I am not yet ready. I know that my kids will grow up and reach milestones in their lives but I realize that I'm not ready to let them grow this fast. Although most changes happen only physically, it cannot be denied that there will also be changes in how we deal with them.

Although my daughter is still a child in so many ways, she now experiences more restrictions due to her bodily changes. It's like a small kid trapped in a woman's body. I feel sorry for her.

More girls now experience menarche at an early age compared to the girls during my younger years. Could it be related to their diet? Processed foods are aplenty, hormones are introduced to livestock. Who knows what's in our food nowadays? One thing is for sure, my daughter is now a lady but she's not yet ready to be one.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Allergy Mystery

My daughter came home from school irritated with her itchy palms. I did not pay much attention to it. Truth is I got annoyed with her because she kept grumbling and getting mad with the itchiness.

It was a Friday and we went to the mall afterwards and ate at Yellow Cab. She was still complaining about her itchy palms and her Dad told her to just wash her hands properly. After eating we went to the toilet and it was there that I was able to see the tiny rashes on her hands, arms and even her body.

We immediately went to a pharmacy and I bought a loratadine tablet for her which is what I usually give her when she has allergic rhinitis. We then decided to just go home instead of buying groceries.

At home I took a good look at her rashes. They were all over her body. They were tiny, raised and looked a lot like heat rash. They looked similar to the rashes she got when she took amoxicillin. When I touched her skin it was very rough. We can't figure out where it came from since she did not take any medications prior to the rashes and I suspected the food she ate but I don't know which one.

The next day she had a low grade fever and her rashes were redder and warm to touch. A doctor friend suggested giving her Iterax and paracetamol and to observe her condition. It eased the itchiness a little but the rashes continued to abound and her fever went on and off.

She underwent lab tests and thankfully they did not find anything serious. She is still not well but I noticed today that her rashes are mostly on her extremities and are fading on her torso. Her hands and feet are very warm and I made her put them in cold water. I think it helped.

I am hoping that she's on her way to recovery. I'll post updates and more info next time.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Photographs and Memories

Lately my husband and I have been looking at some of the old pictures of our children. It was a bittersweet experience for me.

The old photographs brought back wonderful memories of baby smells and sounds, of warm and soft bodies, of innocence and wide-eyed amazement at what Mommy can do. But at the same time they brought tears to my eyes. How time flies.

I am blessed to have enjoyed and witnessed my babies grow. I was with them in every ache and pain, in every achievement, in every milestone. In all their ups and downs I was there.

I love who they are now but I terribly miss the time when they were still babies. They were so dependent on me and it seemed like I was the most important person then but now they have their own friends and activities. How they have grown but they will forever be my little ones.

I never regret giving up my career to have kids and be a full-time mom. Every moment with my family is a wonderful experience that no money can ever buy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father

A father carries pictures where his money used to be.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Last weekend while we were dining out I looked at my daughters and my husband and felt a great swell of love for them. Being a wife and a mother is not easy but I realized that I would not have fully known myself and what I'm capable of if I remained single.

My single friends get to do lots of things that I also long to do but when I really weigh things, I end up choosing my family over those activities. I cannot imagine myself without my husband and my kids. I prefer to spend time with my family than with my friends.

My husband and I have been married for more than 12 years now and still we are very much in love with each other. Two weeks ago my husband shared to me that when he was in the bathroom and saw my stuff he tried to imagine not seeing them and he felt lost. He does not want to think about living life without me. I feel so loved.

I thank God for my husband and my children. They are not perfect, and they stress me out but I love them very much. I am not perfect and yet they love me too.