Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Allergy Mystery

My daughter came home from school irritated with her itchy palms. I did not pay much attention to it. Truth is I got annoyed with her because she kept grumbling and getting mad with the itchiness.

It was a Friday and we went to the mall afterwards and ate at Yellow Cab. She was still complaining about her itchy palms and her Dad told her to just wash her hands properly. After eating we went to the toilet and it was there that I was able to see the tiny rashes on her hands, arms and even her body.

We immediately went to a pharmacy and I bought a loratadine tablet for her which is what I usually give her when she has allergic rhinitis. We then decided to just go home instead of buying groceries.

At home I took a good look at her rashes. They were all over her body. They were tiny, raised and looked a lot like heat rash. They looked similar to the rashes she got when she took amoxicillin. When I touched her skin it was very rough. We can't figure out where it came from since she did not take any medications prior to the rashes and I suspected the food she ate but I don't know which one.

The next day she had a low grade fever and her rashes were redder and warm to touch. A doctor friend suggested giving her Iterax and paracetamol and to observe her condition. It eased the itchiness a little but the rashes continued to abound and her fever went on and off.

She underwent lab tests and thankfully they did not find anything serious. She is still not well but I noticed today that her rashes are mostly on her extremities and are fading on her torso. Her hands and feet are very warm and I made her put them in cold water. I think it helped.

I am hoping that she's on her way to recovery. I'll post updates and more info next time.

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