Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Health Issues

The past weeks had been very stressful with my older daughter being febrile for a week right after my younger daughter got sick for 3 days. She had occasional colds and cough and no other complaints. When we paid a visit to her doctor, white spots were noticed on her throat indicative of strep infection.

It really baffled me because my daughter did not complain of a sore throat at all but I did see the spots and saw exactly the same image when I did my research online after our visit to the doctor. Because of a previous allergic reaction to penicillin, my daughter was given erythromycin and it took 2 days before we saw the effect.

While she was sick, my daughter missed school as well as seeing her friends. When she was younger it was very hard to make her drink her medicine but last week she eagerly took her medications because she really wanted to attend school. After being absent from school for 3 days she became depressed and occasionally was seen crying silently. It was heartbreaking to see her so sad that I even prayed that her illness will just transfer to me so that she could resume her normal activities.

But God has other plans and now she is able to attend school once again. I'm hoping and praying that she'll continue to enjoy good health. The same prayer goes for our whole family.


Anonymous said...

Hi Eagerblogger,
How are things over there? I'm so sorry for what has happened to your daughter. I very much hope that she is in good health now.

eagerblogger said...

Hello zunnur!

My daughter still has allergy. Every morning her nose bleeds but she has been given meds for it.

How are you doing? Are you blogging again? :-)